Along Side PSW'24 01


The exhibition will attract key industry leaders, governments, manufacturers, suppliers, traders, contractors and partners from across the globe. It will highlight the latest innovations in the solar and sustainable energy field by offering a unique platform to forge partnerships between public and private sectors to develop innovative solutions. According to the latest report, Pakistan has seen a surge in providers offering a range of solar home system products, including solar water pumping systems, solar lighting solutions and solar water heaters. As per IRENA hydropower has a sizable share in Pakistan’s energy mix, with 7.1 GW of installed grid-connected capacity, and finds that the country has up to 60 GW of economic and technical hydropower potential. Furthermore, it identifies 50 GW of theoretical wind potential in Pakistan’s southern Sindh and Baluchistan provinces. Consumers are being attracted towards the low-cost power resources. Commercial as well as industrial units are opting for solar-based power generation, which is now the cheapest source of energy and the cost of such production unit has gone below the gas-based power plants. SOLAR Pakistan is the only dedicated platform to bring the latest solar innovations and showcasing the largest solar projects in region providing a unique platform in building partnerships with all government and private sectors in pursuing innovative solutions.

Along Side PSW'24 02

Electricity Pakistan is Pakistan's premier exhibition for Energy, Storage and Power industry. It is a dedicated platform for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, users and energy storage solutions providers. Participants from governments, utilities, independent energy producers, energy storage products manufacturers, consulting companies, associate as well as other related sectors are invited to discuss applications, opportunities and challenges for energy, storage and power sector. Pakistan, where power shortfall is usually addressed through the establishment of large coal, oil, hydroelectric, and some solar projects, can benefit from energy storage to an unprecedented extent. Also, with much of the world pouring investments into renewable and clean energy, Pakistan is in the line of environmentalists’ fire for relying on coal-fired projects as part of a plan to boost urgently needed generating capacity. As reported by the International Energy Agency (IEA), average energy demand in the country is around 19,000MW against the generation of around 15,000MW. Demand soars beyond 20,000MW during peak summer months of May to July, when air conditioning systems place an extra burden on the national power grid, often causing power cuts. The IEA forecasts that total electricity demand will rise to more than 49,000MW by 2025 as the country’s population increases. In this situation, a fusion of domestic renewable generation and power storage technology seems to be an expeditious, efficient, and affordable answer, which can also cut the costs, incurred in expansion, operation, and maintenance of the power infrastructure, down to almost a naught. The country can make the most of energy storage systems as planned renewable energy projects under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) include a solar park, four wind farms, and three hydro plants that together would generate around 3,900MW, at a cost of about $7.5 billion. Pakistan Alternative Energy Development Board says the country has the potential to generate annually 2.9 million megawatts of clean energy from solar, 340,000 megawatt from wind and 100,000 megawatt from hydropower.